
Terms Conditions

Dear user,
Please be aware that bookuniverse's rules and regulations were updated on 4/6/2019. We expect our users to read and understand the changes made within 14 days after the update, so that we can provide you with better services.

  1. By using our site, you agree to abide by the terms of use listed below. You are responsible for the correct use of the site's services, and any attempt to hack, disrupt services, or gain unauthorized access is strictly prohibited. bookuniverse reserves the right to pursue legal action in such cases.
  2. To use our services, you need to become a member and keep your account information confidential. You are responsible for any activity that occurs on your account. If your account is hacked, bookuniverse is not responsible. We also require mutual respect and dignity between our managers and solvers, and any disrespect or insult will result in account blocking.
  3. If you need to cancel a book request, you can do so only before the book is sent. Please use the ticket option beside each request to do so.
  4. We supply Latin books in the same quality as the publisher's website. If the publisher's website provides a distorted or incomplete version of the requested document, bookuniverse will not accept responsibility.
  5. In the offline requests section, you must specify the quality of the document you request (scan, original, or non-original) if needed. The cost of receiving different qualities of a document may differ. If you do not specify the type of document, any quality prepared by bookuniverse is accepted.
  6. Some PDFs available on our site are non-original and converted from other formats (epub and so on). If you only want the original PDF version of the book, please announce it before sending the book. We will return your payment fee in this case.
  7. For books that must be purchased from an external site, our responsibility is limited to buying and sending the books to you. We are not responsible for the content provided on the foreign book-selling site, including originality, non-originality, incompleteness and distortion of files.
  8. Access to books is subject to availability on book download databases and book shopping stores. Since these databases and stores are updated regularly, some book titles may be removed from their site. In rare cases, it may not be possible to prepare some priced books. In this case, we will return your fee.
  9. We do our best to prepare and present the books requested by you as soon as possible, and even earlier than the promised time. However, the preparation of some books that are very difficult to access may take longer than the time mentioned on our site.
  10. You are responsible for your information and must be diligent in maintaining it. We guarantee the retention of documents received by users for 7 days, after which we will not be held responsible.
  11. We reserve the right to change the site's rules and regulations at any time without notice. It is your duty to stay informed about the rules of the site by regularly visiting this page.
  12. Regarding privacy, we will keep information such as IP and user email confidential, except where disclosure is required by law. We are committed to protecting your personal information and responding to any problems or questions you may have in a timely manner. You can contact us through our online or offline support or by connecting with [email protected].

Thank you for using bookuniverse.
Best regards,
The bookuniverse team.